Skateboarding course registration

Skateboarding course registration

49,00 €

Der Skateboardkurs ist für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.
Das Equipment - Profi Skateboards, Schoner und Helme werden von uns kostenlos am Kurs verliehen.
Alle Kurse finden unabhängig voneinander statt.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Anmeldung nur für einen nicht ausgebuchten Kurs möglich ist. Hinter jedem ausgebuchtem Kurs steht der Vermerk '’Dieser Kurs ist ausgebucht’’.

Nach dem Kauf kriegen Sie eine Bestellnummer per E-Mail, diese ist auch gleichzeitig Ihre Anmelde-Bestätigung. Es wird keine separate E-Mail mehr von uns verschickt.

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The equipment (professional skateboards, pads and helmets) will be lent free of charge at the course. However, everyone is welcome to bring their own stuff.

We always divide our participants into groups so that beginners and advanced learn something and have fun. Our courses are from 6 years

All dates in the overview.

Please pack sturdy sports shoes (Please no open or closed sandals) .
Parents are not required to be present as it would only distract the children. However, they are welcome to watch 10 minutes before the end of the course. We ask for your understanding.

A course booking is a binding registration.

*In case of illness please choose a new date within the next three months from course cancellation
*Rescheduling is possible only once, no refund of the paid amount

Please enter number of participants or courses above

After receipt of payment you will receive an automatic booking or registration confirmation. This confirms the participation in the selected course. No separate email follows

Here is another recent video (30 seconds): 

Best regards,
Your TomCatSkate Team

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This is how to log in from your mobile/smartphone:

Here's how to log in from your laptop/tablet:

Online Live Private Coaching Registration Skateboarding course for beginners online.jpg

Online Live Private Coaching Registration

29,90 €